Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Saturday, July 26, 2014
PLI இயக்குனரகத்தில் ஒரு பயிலரங்கு
PLI Directorate invited NFPE to participate in the work shop on Roll out of Core Insurance Solution and creation of Central Processing Centre. The above workshop was held at PLI Directorate New Delhi on 17.07.2014. On behalf of NFPE Com. N. Subramanian, Deputy General Secretary AIPEU Group ‘C ’& Com. Pranab Bhattacharjee General Secretary Admin union attended. The CGM (PLI) inaugurated the work shop. The General Manager (PLI) and Addl.GM (PLI) have conducted the work shop and clarified the doubts raised by the participants.
The following points have been emphasized and highlighted by the NFPE.
1. While welcoming the CPC under Core Insurance Solution, the NFPE strongly demands that all Circle offices/ Regional offices shall be allowed to function as CPCs.
2. As all the HPOs are proposed to function as CPCs, provision of additional staff has been insisted to handle the additional work related to CPCs such as Acceptance of Proposals, Issue of Policy documents & Premium Receipt books, Loan, Surrender, Maturity, Death Claim and other Customer Services like Change of address, Nomination etc.
3. Supply of New Computers, Scanners and Printers with good configuration & Furniture has been demanded and it was replied that all the above items are to be supplied on priority basis. The proposed Scanners will have the facility of OCR technology (Optical Character Recognizer) to reduce the typing work to a greater extent.
4. After introduction of CPCs, the visiting customers will be more to avail many “After Sales Services”, it is imperative to allot funds and enhance financial powers to Head Postmasters to cater the need of hospitality par with the trend prevailing with market competitors. The idea insisted by NFPE is positively cognized.
5. The delay in payment of incentive to GDS and Departmental staff was pointed out and it was assured for necessary action. It was told to the union that Ministry of Finance has been addressed for the allotment of additional fund to clear all the pending bills at various levels.
6. The issue of slow speed and low bandwidth in respect of CBS is already prevailing and if the core Insurance Solution is hastily implemented with the existing infrastructure, the staff will be put in to greater trouble and strain was the argument put forth by NFPE. It is replied that the implementation of CIS is being delayed to sort out the above problem and it would be set right soon. Smooth transition to Mc Camish would be the aim as replied.
The Department sought better cooperation in the implementation of Core Insurance Solution and creation of Central Processing Centre. We assured positively.
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
GDS சங்க போராட்டம் - அனைவரும் பங்கேற்பீர்
அஞ்சல் – RMS இணைப்புக் குழு , தமிழ் மாநிலம்,
சென்னை 600 005.
சென்னை 600 005.
சுற்றறிக்கை எண் : 6 நாள் : 24.07.2014
அன்பார்ந்த தோழர்களே ! தோழியர்களே ! வணக்கம் !
நமது சம்மேளனத்தின் உறுப்பு சங்கமான, அகில இந்திய அஞ்சல் ஊழியர் சங்கம் GDS (NFPE) மூன்று முக்கிய கோரிக்கைகளை வலியுறுத்தி நாடு தழுவிய 5 கட்ட போராட்டங்களை அறிவித்துள்ளது. இந்தப் போராட்டங்களை NFPE இன் உறுப்பு சங்கங்கள் ஆதரவுடன் ஒருங்கிணைந்து நடத்திட நமது சம்மேளனம் கேட்டுக் கொண்டுள்ளது. அதன் அடிப்படையில் நமது தமிழ் மாநில அஞ்சல் – RMS இணைப்புக் குழு, AIPEU GDS NFPE சங்கத்துடன் இணைந்து இந்தப் போராட்டங்களை தமிழகத்தில் சிறப்பாக நடத்திட முடிவெடுத்துள்ளது.
நாடு தழுவிய 5 கட்ட போராட்டம்
இந்திய அஞ்சல் துறையில் GDS ஊழியர்களின் வாழ்வாதாரத்திற்கு நிரந்தர தீர்வு காண கடந்த ஆண்டு பாராளுமன்றம் நோக்கிய பேரணி உள்ளிட்ட பல கட்ட போராட்டங்களை நாம் நடத்தியும் கடந்த ஐக்கிய முற்போக்கு கூட்டணி அரசு செவி சாய்த்திட மறுத்துவிட்டது. ஆகவே GDS ஊழியர்களின் முக்கியமான 11அம்சக் கோரிக்கைகளை முன்வைத்து நமது சம்மேளன பொதுச் செயலர் மற்றும் GDS சங்கத்தின் பொதுச் செயலர் கையெழுத்திட்ட கோரிக்கை மனு கடந்த ஜூன் மாதம் 2 ஆம் தேதி தேதி புதிய மைய அரசின் மாண்புமிகு பாரதப் பிரதமர், நமது துறை அமைச்சர் மற்றும் இலாக்கா முதல்வர் அனைவருக்கும் அளிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
அதன் தொடர்ச்சியாக, அரசின் கவனத்தை ஈர்க்கும் வகையில் நாடு தழுவிய 5 கட்ட போராட்டத்தை நமது உறுப்பு சங்கமான GDS சங்கம் அறிவித்துள்ளது. கீழ்க்கண்ட கோரிக்கைகளை வலியுறுத்தி அறிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ள தொடர் போராட்டங்களுக்கு வலு சேர்த்திடும் வண்ணம் நமது சம்மேளனம், அதன் உறுப்பு சங்கங்கள் அனைத்தும் ஒருங்கிணைந்து இந்த போராட்டங்களை நடத்திட வேண்டுகோள் விடுத்துள்ளது.
1. அனைத்து கிளை அஞ்சலகங்களையும் இலாக்கா அஞ்சலகங்களாக அறிவித்திடு ! அனைத்து GDS ஊழியர்களையும் 1977 உச்ச நீதிமன்ற தீர்ப்பின் அடிப்படையில் இலாக்கா ஊழியர்களாக ஆக்கிடு !
2. GDS ஊழியர்களின் பணித்தன்மை, பென்ஷன் மற்றும் ஊதிய விகிதங்கள் குறித்த விபரங்களை 7 ஆவது ஊதியக் குழுவே பரிசீலித்திட வேண்டும்.
3. GDS (CONDUCT & ENGAGEMENT) RULES 2011 என்ற ஊழியர் விரோத சட்டத்தை திரும்பப் பெறு !
5 கட்ட போராட்ட இயக்கங்கள்
முதல் கட்டம் : 16.07.2014 - கோட்ட மட்டங்களில் தார்ணா
இரண்டாம் கட்டம் : 05.08.2014 – மண்டல மற்றும் CPMG அலுவலகம்
முன்பாக மாபெரும் தார்ணா
மூன்றாம் கட்டம் : 15.09.2014 முதல் 19.09.2014 வரை CPMG அலுவலகம்
முன்பு தொடர் உண்ணாவிரதப் போராட்டம்.
நான்காம் கட்டம் : எதிர்வரும் நவம்பர் மாதம் 2014 இல் பாராளுமன்றம் நோக்கிய பேரணி .
அய்ந்தாம் கட்டம் மத்திய செற்குழு கூடி சம்மேளனத்துடன் இணைந்து
வேலை நிறுத்த அறிவிப்பு .
எனவே தமிழகத்தில் உள்ள NFPE இன் அனைத்து உறுப்பு சங்கங்களான அஞ்சல் மூன்று, அஞ்சல் நான்கு , RMS மூன்று, RMS நான்கு , AUDIT & ACCOUNTS, ADMIN, SBCO சங்கங்களின் நிர்வாகிகள் இந்தப் போராட்டங்களில் தங்களை முழுமையாக ஈடுபடுத்திக் கொள்ளவேண்டும் என்று கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறோம்.
அந்தந்த மண்டலங்களில் அஞ்சல் மூன்று, அஞ்சல் நான்கு , RMS மூன்று, RMS நான்கு, மற்றும் இதர சங்கங்களின் மண்டலச் செயலர்கள்/மாநிலச்சங்க நிர்வாகிகள்/ தலைமையிடத்து கோட்டச் செயலர்கள், GDS சங்க நிர்வாகிகளுடன் ஒன்றிணைந்து 05.08.2014 இல் நடைபெறும் தார்ணா போராட்டத்தை அந்தந்த மண்டல அலுவலக வாயிலில் சிறப்பாக நடத்திட வேண்டுகிறோம்.
ஒன்று பட்டு போராடுவோம், ! உரிமைகளை வென்றெடுப்போம் !
போராட்ட வாழ்த்துக்களுடன்
J. ராமமூர்த்தி, K.சங்கரன்,
மாநில செயலர், அஞ்சல் மூன்று. மாநில செயலர் - RMS மூன்று,
மற்றும் கன்வீனர். மற்றும் தலைவர்.
S. ரவிச்சந்திரன், B. பரந்தாமன்,
மாநில செயலர் - அஞ்சல் நான்கு மாநில செயலர் - RMS நான்கு,
B. சங்கர், P.நாகராஜன்,
மாநில செயலர் - அஞ்சல் கணக்கு. மாநில செயலர்- நிர்வாகப் பிரிவு,
V.G. கோவிந்தராஜலு , R.தனராஜ்,
மாநில தலைவர் - SBCO, மாநில செயலர் - NFPE-GDS.
அஞ்சல் – RMS இணைப்புக் குழு , தமிழ் மாநிலம்
GDS சங்க போராட்டம் - அனைவரும் பங்கேற்பீர்
Monday, July 21, 2014

CHQ: Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Road, New Delhi - 110008
Ref: P/1-10/Misc. Dated – 17.07.2014
All CHQ Office Bearers/Circle Secretaries, AIPEU Group ‘C’
All Mahila Committee Members, AIPEU Group ‘C’
All General Secretaries, NFPE
All Office Bearers, NFPE
All Mahila Committee Members, NFPE
Dear Comrades,
As you are aware Com. M. Krishnan, General Secretary, AIPEU Group ‘C’ (CHQ) & Secretary General NFPE/Confederation will be retiring from service on 31.08.2014. CHQ & Andhra Pradesh Circle Union will be arranging a programme to felicitate our General Secretary during the CWC meeting to be held at Ongole from 22.08.2014 to 24.08.2014.
This is for your information.
Comrades yours,
(N. Subramanian)
Deputy General Secretary
Thursday, July 17, 2014
PMG யுடன் சந்திப்பு
நமது கோட்டசெயலரும் , தமிழ் மாநில அஞ்சல் மூன்றின் அமைப்புச் செயலருமான தோழர் A .ராஜேந்திரன் மற்றும் மேட்டுப் பாளையம்
கிளைச்செயலர் தோழர் K . செலவராஜ் ஆகியோர் 17/7/2014 அன்று மாநிலசெயலர் தோழர் JR , மண்டலசெயலர் தோழர் சஞ்சீவி ஆகியோருடன் மேற்கு மண்டல POSTMASTER GENERAL அவர்களைச் சந்தித்து விவாதித்தனர் .
CHQ: Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Road, New Delhi - 110008

Ref: P/1-10/Misc. Dated – 17.07.2014
All CHQ Office Bearers/Circle Secretaries, AIPEU Group ‘C’
All Mahila Committee Members, AIPEU Group ‘C’
All General Secretaries, NFPE
All Office Bearers, NFPE
All Mahila Committee Members, NFPE
Dear Comrades,
As you are aware Com. M. Krishnan, General Secretary, AIPEU Group ‘C’ (CHQ) & Secretary General NFPE/Confederation will be retiring from service on 31.08.2014. CHQ & Andhra Pradesh Circle Union will be arranging a programme to felicitate our General Secretary during the CWC meeting to be held at Ongole from 22.08.2014 to 24.08.2014.
This is for your information.
Comrades yours,
(N. Subramanian)
Deputy General Secretary
CHQ: 1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi - 110001

Ref: PF/NFPE/Staff Dated – 16.07.2014
The Secretary
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001
Sub: - Continuing injustice to the Postmaster cadre – request for remedial measures – reg.
By various references the injustice caused to the Postmaster cadre official have been brought to the notice of the Directorate but the results of the actions taken are yet to come. The minds of the affected Postmaster cadre officials are in the burning state and this disappointed category needs and deserves justice on the following issues.
1. It is happened while calling for volunteers to Postmaster cadre, it was assured to the applicants under initial constitution vide para 4, 5, 6 of the Directorate letter No. DG (P) No. 4-17/2008-SPB II dated 07.02.2011, that the same years as minimum Qualifying service will be adhered for the promotions of Postmaster grade I to Postmaster Grade II and Postmaster III as in the cases of LSG to HSG II and HSG II to HSG I. Many senior HSG II officials opted for PM Grade II are now bypassed by junior HSG II officials remained in the General line by getting HSG I on completion of 3 years of Qualifying Service.
As assured during the initial constitution of Postmaster Grade by Directorate to maintain same qualifying service, all the Postmaster Grade II officials having 3 years of service in HSG II & PM Grade II combinedly may be promoted to Postmaster Grade III by taking into account of anomaly caused to Postmaster Grade II officials. The above matter was taken up with the Directorate in the JCM Departmental Council meeting on 27/11/2103 under Sl. No. 12 and Item No. 73 and the staff side was replied that the proposal is being drafted for sending it for the DOPT/UPSC for relaxation of recruitment rules in order to promote Postmaster Grade II to Postmaster Grade III with 3 years of service in Postmaster Grade II/HSG II.
Till date, no positive action in this regard has come out and the fate of the affected Postmaster Grade officials are still worsening as their junior counter parts in erstwhile HSG II gradation list are now promoted to HSG I and some become Postmaster Grade III under belated initial constitution while the senior erstwhile HSG II officials earlier opted for PM Grade II are in the same Post.
The above injustice anomaly tampered the ambitions and rightful career aspirations that can never happen in any other administration or department.
2. On several occasions in person and through writing it is being requested to convene a special meeting exclusively for the problems and issues of the Postmaster Cadre. But for unknown reasons, the above request is not materialized till date. A meeting is required to be convened exclusively for Postmaster cadre issues which may lead to sort out the bottle necks.
3. In the year 2011, 2012 when the PS Group ‘B’ exam were conducted, the optees for Postmaster Grade despite their LSG service for more than 5 years are denied abruptly to sit in the examination. A fair number of senior and efficient officials opted for Postmaster cadre was kept out from the race of PS Group ‘B’ and their career ambition is ignored in an unscientific manner. In the same way, young and dynamic Postmaster Grade I officials are denied to sit in the IP examination to enhance their grade pay and career option which is not inconsonance with the natural justice. If the grade Pay of an IP is equivalent to Postmaster Grade-I, then nobody will opt for IP cadre, but the Postmaster Grade-I is designed as less than that of IP cadre.
The Postmaster Cadre officials are to be made eligible is sit in PS Group ‘B’ and IP examination if they desire so. This is not only to fulfill the career aspirations of young PM Grade officials, but at large beneficial to the department also. Recently CAT Chennai has ordered to publish the results of Postmaster cadre officials appeared in PS Group ‘B’ 2011 examinations.
4. The financial, administrative and disciplinary powers of PM Grade are to be enhanced to the required level to conduct their offices in optimum. The delegation of powers to administer their offices is the need of the hour in the changed technological scenario and now the time has ripen.
5. It is desirable on our part that the entire posts of Senior postmasters to be given to the Postmaster Grade officials. Even though Senior Postmaster is in the hierarchy of Postmaster Cadre, it is pitiable to note that no Postmaster Grade official is eligible to sit in the LDCE. The number of Senior Postmaster posts shall be increased and 50% may be apportioned for LDCE in which the PM cadre officials are made eligible to compete and the remaining 50% is to be for the promotions to PM Grade III officials.
6. In the present trend and juncture, the role of Postmaster to lead a post office with multifarious tasks deserved them for enhanced pay scale counting their responsibilities and importance to pass the miles to come, their pay scales need a revision and it is expected to recommend such revision by the department to 7th CPC.
The problems and issue of the Postmaster cadre officials are not exhaustive but illustrative. The above main issues are long expected and it is requested to convene a meeting with the unions/JCM to once again present our case and arguments to the new Secretary (P) and grant justice to the Postmaster Cadre officials.
A line in reply is much awaited
With found regards,
Yours faithfully,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Highlights of the Memorandum submitted on issues common to all Central Government employees to Secretary 7th Pay Commission.
JCM NC has also submitted Interim Memorandum on interim relief and Merger of DA.
1. Pay scales are calculated on the basis of pay drawn pay in pay band + GP + 100% DA by employees as on 01.01.2014.
2. 7th CPC report should be implemented w.e.f. 01-01-2014. In future five year wage revision.
3. Scrap New Pension Scheme and cover all employees under Old Pension and Family Pension Scheme.
4. JCM has proposed minimum wage for MTS (Skilled) Rs.26,000 p.m.
5. Ratio of minimum and maximum wage should be 1:8.
6. General formula for determination of pay scale based on minimum living wage demanded for MTS is pay in PB+GP x 3.7.
7. Annual rate of increment @ 5% of the pay.
8. Fixation of pay on promotion = 2 increments and difference of pay between present and promotional posts (minimum Rs.3000).
9. The pay structure demanded is as under:- (open ended pay scales – Total 14 pay scales)
Existing Proposed (in Rs.)
PB-1, GP Rs. 1800
PB-1, GP Rs. 1900
PB-1, GP Rs. 2000
PB-1, GP Rs. 2400
PB-1, GP Rs. 2800
PB-2, GP Rs. 4200
PB-2, GP Rs. 4600
PB-2, GP Rs. 4800
PB-2, GP Rs. 5400
PB-3, GP 5400
PB-3, GP 6600
PB-3, GP 7600
PB-4, GP 8900
P4-4, GP 10000
Apex Scale
Cabinet Secretary
9 (a) Wages and service conditions of Gramin Dak Sevaks is to be examined by 7th CPC itself.
10.Dearness Allowances on the basis of 12 monthly average of CPI, Payment on 1st Jan and 1st July every year.
11.Overtime Allowances on the basis of total Pay + DA + Full TA.
12 Liabilities of all Government dues of persons died in harness be waived.
13.Transfer Policy – Group `C and `D Staff should not be transferred. DoPT should issue clear cut guideline as per 5th CPC recommendation. Govt. should from a Transfer Policy in each department for transferring on mutual basis on promotion. Any order issued in violation of policy framed be cancelled by head of department on representation.
14. Transport Allowance -
X Classified City
Other Places
Rs. 7500 + DA
Rs. 3750 +DA
The stipulation for TA that the Govt. employee should be on duty in his headquarters for certain number of days during the calendar month should be removed.
15.Deputation Allowance double the rates and should be paid 10% of the pay at same station and 20% of the pay at outside station.
16.Classification of the post should be executive and non-executive instead of present Group A,B.C.
17.Special Pay which was replaced with Special/Allowance by 4th CPC be bring back to curtail pay scales.
18.Scrap downsizing, outsourcing and contracting of govt. jobs.
19.Regularize all casual labour and count their entire service after first two year, as a regular service for pension and all other benefits. They should not be thrown out by engaging contractors workers.
20.The present MACPs Scheme be replaced by giving five promotion after completion of 8,15,21,26 and 30 year of service with benefits of stepping up of pay with junior and also hierarchical pay scales.
21.PLB being bilateral agreement, it should be out of 7th CPC perview.
22.Housing facility:-
(a) To achieve 70% houses in Delhi and 40% in all other towns to take lease accommodation and allot to the govt. employees.
(b) Land and building acquired by it department may be used for constructing houses for govt. employees.
23. House Building Allowance :-
(a) Simplify the procedure of HBA
(b) Entitle to purchase second and used houses
24. Common Category – Equal Pay for similar nature of work be provided.
25. Compassionate appointment – remove ceiling of 5% and give appointment within Three months.
26. Traveling Allowance:-
A1, A Class City
Other Cities
Rs. 5000 per day + DA
Rs. 3500 per day + DA
Rs. 4000 per day + DA
Rs. 2500 per day + DA
27. Composite Transfer Grant: -
Executive Class 6000 kg by Goods Train/ Rate per km by road 8 Wheeler Wagon Rs.50+DA(Rs.1 per kg and single container per km)
Non-Executive Class 3000 kg – do – -do-
28.Children Education Allowance should be allowed up to Graduate, Post Graduate, and all Professional Courses. Allow any two children for Children Education Allowance.
29.Fixation of pay on promotion – two increments in feeder grade with minimum benefit of Rs.3000.
30.House Rent Allowance
X Class Cities 60%
Other Classified Cities 40%
Unclassified Locations 20%
31.Compensatory City Allowance.
`X’ Class Cities `Y’ Class Cities
A. Pay up to Rs.50,000 10% 5%
B. Pay above Rs.50,000 6% minimum Rs 5000 3% minimum Rs.2500
32. Patient Care Allowance to all para-medical and staff working in hospitals.
33. All allowances to be increased by three times.
34. NE Region benefits – Payment of Special Duty Allowance @ 37.5% of pay.
35. Training: - Sufficient budget for in-service training.
36. Leave Entitlement
(i) Increase Casual Leave 08 to 12 days & 10 days to 15 days.
(ii) Declare May Day as National Holiday
(iii) In case of Hospital Leave, remove the ceiling of maximum 24 months leave and 120 days full payment and remaining half payment.
(iv) Allow accumulation of 400 days Earned Leave
(v) Allow encashment of 50% leave while in service at the credit after 20 years Qualifying Service.
(vi) National Holiday Allowance (NHA) – Minimum one day salary and eligibility criteria to be removed for all Non Executive Staff.
(vii) Permit encashment of Half Pay Leave.
(viii)Increase Maternity Leave to 240 days to female employees & increase 30 days Paternity Leave to male employees.
37. LTC
(a) Permission to travel by air within and outside the NE Region.
(b) To increase the periodicity once in a two year.
(c) One visit outside country in a lifetime
38. Income Tax:
(i) Allow 30% standard deduction to salaried employees.
(ii) Exempt all allowances.
(iii) Raise the ceiling limit as under:
(a) General – 2 Lakh to 5 Lakh
(b) Sr. Citizen – 2.5 Lakh to 7 Lakh
(c) Sr. Citizen above 80 years of age – 5 Lakh to 10 Lakh
(iv) No Income Tax on pension and family pension and Dearness Relief.
39. (a) Effective grievance handling machinery for all non-executive staff.
(b) Spot settlement
(c) Maintain schedule of three meetings in a year
(d) Department Council be revived at all levels
(e) Arbitration Award be implemented within six month, if not be discussed with Staff Side before rejection for finding out some modified form of agreement.
40. Appoint Arbitrator for shorting all pending anomalies of the 6th CPC.
41.Date of Increment – 1st January and 1st July every year. In case of employees retiring on 31st December and 30th June, they should be given one increment on last day of service, i.e. 31st December and 30th June, and their retirements benefits should be calculated by adding the same.
42.General Insurance: Active Insurance Scheme covering risk upto Rs. 7,50,000/- to Non Executive & Rs. 3,50,000/- to Skilled staff by monthly contribution of Rs. 750/- & Rs. 350/- respectively.
43. Point to point fixation of pay.
44. Extra benefits to Women employees (i) 30% reservation for women.
(ii) Posting of husband and wife at same station.
(iii) One month special rest for chronic disease
(iv) Conversion of Child Care Leave into Family Care Leave
(v) Flexi time
45. Gratuity:
Existing ceiling of 16 ½ months be removed and Gratuity be paid @ half month salary for every year of qualifying service.
Remove ceiling limit of Rs.10 Lakh for Gratuity.
46. Pension:
(i) Pension @ 67% of Last Pay Drawn (LPD) instead of 50% presently.
(ii) Pension after 10 years of qualifying service in case of resignation.
(iii) Increase pension age-based as under:
65 Years – 70% of Las Pay Drawn (LPD)
70 Years – 75% of LPD
75 Years – 80% of LPD
80 Years – 85% of LPD
85 Years – 90% of LPD
90 Years – 100% of LPD
(iv) Parity of pension to retirees before 1.1.2006.
(v) Enhanced family pension should be same in case of death in harness and normal death.
(vi) After 10 years, family pension should be 50% of LPD.
(vii) Family pension to son upto the age of 28 years looking to the recruitment age.
(viii) Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) @ Rs.2500/- per month.
(ix) Extend medical facilities to parents also.
(x) HRA to pensioners.
(xi) Improvement in ex-gratia pension to CPF/SRPF retirees up to 1/3rd of full pension.
NB: The above is only gist. All points raised by us not included. For understanding the entire demands raised by us, Please read the full memorandum published in our website.
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
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